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Have RV Will Travel

Have RV Will Travel
Our Foundation family includes some very interesting folks like Wayne and Bertie. They have been a part of our family for over 30 years as they have lived lives of service that most of us can only dream about. Wayne and Bertie have asked us not to print their last names because of their work with IMB.

In the early 1980's, Wayne was a school teacher and then principal at a school in Chico, California, as well as a real estate developer in the Chico area. He and Bertie were members of First Baptist Church of Live Oak where he served as the church's minister of outreach.

Although they were already serving faithfully in their church, they decided to try a different kind of service. They volunteered to go on a short term mission trip to Malawi, Africa. It was that experience that eventually led them to consider becoming full time international missionaries. They were commissioned by our Foreign Mission Board (now the International Mission Board or "IMB") on August 11 of that year.

From 1983 to 2006 they served as IMB missionaries in several countries in Africa and Central Asia. After retirement they volunteered for another 2 1/2 year assignment in the Middle East. That is over 25 years of international missions' service!

When Wayne and Bertie finally ended their international service, they decided to serve in another way. They bought a motor home that allowed them to travel around the country so they could continue to serve. For several years they parked their motor home in Riverside and volunteered at California Baptist University. They have also spent time serving at Jenness Park.

For all of these years Wayne and Bertie have been a part of our Foundation family. While they served as international missionaries, we served them as the trustee of their revocable living trust, and handled most of their investments. In fact, they refer to their motor home as "the motor home that Brenda bought" in honor of our Director of Trust Operations, Brenda Batey, who has been the Foundation's primary contact with them, all these years.

"Whether serving far or near, Wayne and Bertie have always been a part of our Foundation family"